• Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

    Please help the NWS spread the word about Hurricane Preparedness Week (May 5-11, 2019) on social media!

    Everyone is welcome to use the text and images provided below to help the NWS build a Weather-Ready Nation.

    National Hurricane Preparedness Week

    Hurricane Preparedness Week Kick-Off

    It only takes one storm to change your life and community. Tropical cyclones are among nature’s most powerful and destructive phenomena. Hurricane Preparedness Week (May 5-11, 2019). hurricanes.gov/prepare

    It only takes one storm to change your life and community. If you live in an area prone to tropical cyclones, you need to be prepared. Learn how during Hurricane Preparedness Week (May 5-11, 2019). hurricanes.gov/prepare #HurricanePrep #HurricaneStrong

    Hurricane Preparedness Week - May 5-11, 2019

    Sunday, May 5th

    The threats from hurricanes to you and your family can vary widely depending on where you live. It’s not just those along the coast that can experience significant, life-threatening impacts. Evaluate what you need to do to protect your home and family NOW, before the first storm of the season even forms.

    It’s not just those along the coast that can experience significant, life-threatening impacts. Evaluate what you need to do to protect your home and family NOW, before the first storm of the season even forms. hurricanes.gov/prepare #HurricanePrep #HurricaneStrong

    May 5 - Determine Your Risk

    Monday, May 6th

    Take some time this week – Hurricane Preparedness Week – to make sure you have a hurricane evacuation plan. The first thing you need to do is find out if you live in a storm surge hurricane evacuation zone or if you’re in a home that would be unsafe during a hurricane. If you are, figure out where you’d go and how you’d get there if told to evacuate. You do not need to travel hundreds of miles. Identify someone, perhaps a friend or relative who doesn’t live in an evacuation zone or unsafe home, and coordinate with them to use their home as your evacuation destination. Be sure to account for your pets, as most local shelters do not permit them. Put the plan in writing for you and those you care about.

    Are you in a hurricane evacuation zone, or in a home that would be otherwise unsafe in a hurricane? If so, think now, about where you’d go and how you’d get there if you’re told to evacuate. hurricanes.gov/prepare #HurricanePrep #HurricaneStrong

    May 6 - Develop An Evacuation Plan

    Tuesday, May 7th

    Just having enough supplies to make it through a hurricane isn’t enough. You need plenty to make it through what could be a LONG recovery period too. Water and electricity could be out for a week or more. Have enough non-perishable food, water and medicine to last each person in your family for a MINIMUM of one week. Also make sure you have extra cash, a battery-powered radio, flashlights, and a portable crank or solar powered USB charger to charge your cell phone. ready.gov/kit

    Just having enough supplies to make it through a hurricane isn’t enough. You need plenty to make it through what could be a long recovery period too. Prepare for AT LEAST one week. ready.gov/kit #HurricanePrep #HurricaneStrong

    May 7 - Assemble Disaster Supplies

    Wednesday, May 8th

    This Hurricane Preparedness Week, call your insurance company or agent and ask for an insurance checkup to make sure you have enough homeowners insurance to repair or even replace your home. …and remember, standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flooding. Whether you’re a homeowner or renter, you’ll need a separate policy for flooding. floodsmart.gov. Act now as flood insurance requires a 30-day waiting period.

    Are you insured for a hurricane? Keep in mind that standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flooding, and flood insurance requires a 30-day waiting period! Find coverage at floodsmart.gov #HurricanePrep #HurricaneStrong

    May 8 - Get an Insurance Checkup

    Thursday, May 9th

    If you plan to ride out a hurricane in your home, make sure it is in good repair and up to local hurricane building code specifications. Have the proper plywood, steel or aluminum panels to board up the windows and doors. Remember, the garage door is the most vulnerable part of the home, so it must be able to withstand high winds.

    Can your home withstand a hurricane? Make sure it is up to local hurricane building code specifications. Remember, the garage door is the most vulnerable part of the home, so it must be able to withstand high winds. fema.gov/what-mitigation

    May 9 - Strengthen Home

    Friday, May 10th

    Many Americans rely on their neighbors after a disaster, but there are also many ways you can help your neighbors before a hurricane approaches. Learn about all the different actions your community can take to prepare and recover from the hazards associated with hurricanes: ready.gov/neighbors

    You can play a large role in how your neighbors fare before, during and after a hurricane. ready.gov/neighbors #HurricanePrep #HurricaneStrong

    May 10 - Help Your Neighbor

    Saturday, May 11th

    The time to prepare for a hurricane is NOW, before the season begins. Once you’re under pressure, having a written plan will take the guesswork out of what you need to do to protect you and your family.

    Know where you will ride out the storm and get your supplies now. You don’t want to be standing in long lines when a Hurricane Watch is issued. Those supplies that you need will probably be sold out by the time you reach the front of the line.

    Being prepared now will mean the difference between your being a hurricane victim and a hurricane survivor.

    The time to prepare for a hurricane is NOW, before the season begins. Once you’re under pressure, having a written plan will take the guesswork out of what you need to do to protect you and your family. ready.gov/make-a-plan #HurricanePrep #HurricaneStrong

    May 11 - Complete a Written Plan

    Hurricane Safety Page

    Remember, it only takes one storm to change your life and community. For more information on hurricanes and hurricane safety, visit weather.gov/safety/hurricane

    It only takes one storm to change your life & community! Prepare! weather.gov/safety/hurricane #HurricaneSafety #ItOnlyTakesOne

    Aerial views of damage caused from Hurricane Katrina the day after the hurricane hit August 30, 2005.Photo, Jocelyn Augustino, FEMA katrinadestruction.com

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